Thursday 10 October 2013

Chaps Can Bake Too...

Spelt & Rye Soda Bread

Soda bread. Actually fairly easy, tastier than the shop bought stuff and any special lady acquaintances will love you for it.
Baking, until a couple of years ago, was a bit of a blind spot with me. However, with the cost of a decent loaf of bread in Copenhagen around the 35DKK mark (approx £4) necessity has meant that I've learnt pretty quickly. And chaps reading this can too.

Soda bread is easy. There is no yeast involved, therefore no buggering about with kneading or waiting for the dough to rise. The whole operation takes a mere half hour. The results will be immensely satisfying and far better than the bland stale offerings pedalled by supermarkets.

This bread is a Scandinavian take on a recipe I found here. As a rule our Nordic cousins regard with deep scepticism any bread that does not include rye flour in the mix. So to prevent open rebellion here at New Utility HQ I've thrown some in. It adds a lovely deep golden brown hue and depth of taste to the finished article. Makes enough for one small loaf.


  1. 100 grams rye flour.
  2. 200 grams spelt flour.
  3. 2 tsp baking powder.
  4. 230ml buttermilk.
  5. Pinch of salt.
  6. Flour for dusting.


  1. Pre heat your oven to 200°C with a baking tray in it.
  2. Mix the flours, baking powder and salt together in a large bowl.
  3. Pour in the buttermilk and mix thoroughly ensuring that there is no excess flour left at the bottom.
  4. The dough will be quite wet, scoop out on to a floured work surface and gradually form in to a round.
  5. Plonk the formed dough on to your baking tray (I suggest you might want to use baking paper here too.)
  6. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown. If you get a hollow sound when tapping on the bottom of the loaf you're good to go.
  7. If you have the patience cover loaf with a tea towel to cool for a bit.
  8. Devour with liberal amounts of butter and any strong cheese.

That's it. Enjoy.

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